Full BCSN: "Ferrous metal borings, shavings, turnings or cutting UN 2793 in a form liable to self-heating. Mandatory application of this cargo schedule: this entry shall NOT apply to shipments, which are accompanied by a declaration stating that they have no self-heating properties when transported in bulk and this declaration is submitted prior to loading by the shipper.
This entry describes materials that are ferrous metal borings, shavings, turnings or cuttings in a form liable to self-heating. Generally, they are metal drillings that are usually wet or contaminated with materials like unsaturated cutting oil, rags and other combustible material. Bulk density ( kg/m3): varies.
Non-IMSBC Code information: it includes iron swarf, steel swarf, i.e, iron or steel turnings, drillings and filings normally of an oily nature.