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Regulations of wood packaging material in international trade are governed by the International Standards for Phytosanitary measures (ISPM) standard 15.
Seasonal measures introduced by Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Fiji to combat brown marmorated stink bug risk.
New Zealand Flighty Spongy Moth Complex ( FSMC) formerly known as Asian Gypsy Moth/AGM regulations are issued by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), which include the Craft Risk Management Standard (CRMS) under section 24G of the Biosecurity Act 1993.
Australian FSMC ( formerly known as AGM) regulations are under the responsibility of the Australian Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (DAFF). Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM) has been changed to Flighted Spongy Moth Complex (FSMC) due to change of name effected in 2022.
Argentinian FCSM ( formerly known as Asian Gypsy Moth/AGM) regulations are under the auspices of the Argentinian National Service of Agri-Food Health and Quality (SENASA). Asian Gypsy Moth (AGM) has been changed to Flighted Spongy Moth Complex (FSMC) due to change of name effected in 2022.