Have you seen BIMCO's quarterly digital Bulletin? Latest now available to read


The latest BIMCO digital Bulletin is now available and is packed with great articles.

We hope you are enjoying the Bulletin - over 1500 new readers in the last issue alone! Don’t forget to let us know if you want us to cover any shipping issues in future editions and we welcome your feedback.

A few “must reads” in this issue:

  • BIMCO’s new Shipmaster’s Ballast Water Manual now available - members receive a great discount and the manual provides a practical, helpful guide for use onboard and for those dealing every day with ballast water issues
  • Watchkeeper – Our regular feature discusses the development of autonomous technology and how the sheer scale of much of modern shipping is exercising insurers’ minds
  • Fake “brokers” move in to time charter territory! - these fraudsters are well versed in shipping and can fool even very experienced chartering personnel – read more to find out how you can avoid falling in to this trap
  • Latest market analysis from BIMCO’s Chief Shipping Analyst – Peter Sand shares BIMCO’s thinking on the dry bulk, container, and tanker sectors plus macro economics
  • plus much more.

 You can read the Bulletin online, or you can download the BIMCO app for free on the Apple Store or Google Play store and download issues to read offline.

We always appreciate your feedback so please feel free to share any comments with us at pr@bimco.org.


Access BIMCO's COVID-19 related articles and advice.

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VPS Bunker Alerts

Veritas Petroleum Services (VPS) publish regular Bunker Alerts based entirely on fuel samples and have kindly permitted BIMCO’s Members to access this information.

The Bunker Alerts are not intended to be an evaluation of overall bunker quality in the port or area concerned, but usually highlight a specific parameter within the fuel which has raised a quality issue.

Latest piracy reports


Latest industry releasable threats



Contracts & Clauses

All of BIMCO's most widely used contracts and clauses as well as advice on managing charters and business partners.

Learn about your cargo

For general guidance and information on cargo-related queries.

More about cargo

BIMCO Publications

Want to buy or download a BIMCO publication? Use the link to get access to the ballast water management guide, the ship master’s security manual and many other publications.

About a new business partner

We can help members check new business partners. We also help to recover millions of USD (undisputed) funds every year.