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SmartCon - Contract Editing Made EasySmartCon is the new and improved way of working with BIMCO contracts. The biggest change is that you can finally download and have an authentic and secure version of a BIMCO contract on your own computer. New features in SmartCon:
SmartCon - Import rider clausesOne of the features we've recently rolled out is the Import Rider Clauses function.
SmartCon - The Recap ReaderWe understand the urgency to get everything in place once a ship is fixed. Preparing a charter party is often a time-consuming and labor-intensive task and getting it wrong can be costly. So we sat down and thought, "how can we help?" Our answer? To develop a tool in SmartCon which instantly transforms a fixed Recap into a charter. The Recap Reader gives users a much faster and more efficient workflow, freeing up more of their time to focus on the core business.