Wei Zhuang



Wei Zhuang is the Head of Asia Pacific at BIMCO. Wei started his BIMCO career with the Legal & Contractual Affairs Department in 2011 where he joined a wide range of BIMCO’s standard contracts and clauses projects, including project development, revision and promotion. He was further promoted as China Liaison Officer as well as the General Manager of BIMCO Shanghai Centre. Now as the Head of Asia Pacific, he is committed to keeping a constructive relationship with regional regulators and industry stakeholders and, most importantly, to provide portfolio services to BIMCO members and potential members in Asia.

Wei’s previous positions include eight years as a maritime lawyer and Senior Fellow at Maritime University. He has a master’s degree in maritime law and a PhD in international law.

庄炜系波罗的海国际航运公会(BIMCO) 亚洲区总经理。他在2011年加入BIMCO的法律与合同事务部工作,期间参与了大量BIMCO标准合同和条款的项目,包括项目开发、修订以及推广。后来庄先生被任命为大中华区总经理兼BIMCO上海中心主任,目前其担任BIMCO亚洲区总经理,致力于加强BIMCO与亚洲的沟通和合作,积极推动国际航运界和航运政策制定者和产业利益者之间富有建设性的沟通与合作,重点是维系亚洲区BIMCO会员的利益并向他们提供高效的服务。


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