Linos Choo

Linos Choo


Linos Choo focuses on general commercial litigation and arbitration with particular emphasis on shipping, commodities, and international trade finance.

He has concluded many successful arbitrations under the auspices of the ICC, UNCITRAL, LCIA, LMAA, FOSFA, GAFTA, CIETAC, and SCMA amongst others. Linos' experience includes complex charterparty, bills of lading, ship sale and purchase, shipbuilding, ship finance, marine insurance, international sale of goods, and maritime cross-border insolvency litigation and arbitration. Linos also has experience in the areas offshore floating production and storage, logistics, ports, and infrastructure.

In the sphere of international trade, Linos frequently advises banks involved in the finance of international trade on complex issues concerning payment obligations and bank-to-bank reimbursements under letters of credit, demand guarantees, performance bonds, standby credits, and forfeiting.

Linos is also regularly instructed in the fields of commodities, banking and financial services litigation and regulation, civil fraud, asset tracing, and professional negligence.

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