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The compulsory pilotage area limits are bounded by the following:1.Vessels Inbound:a.W limit: A line through Pierre du Herpin (48°43.8'N 001°48.9'W) and Iles Chausey Light (48°52.2'N 001°49.3'W).b.N limit: A line through Iles Chausey Light and Le Pignon Tower (48°53.5'N 001°43.3'W)2.Vessels Outbound:On passing the line extending through Le Mont Saint Michel (48°38.2'N 001°30.6'W) and Pointe de Champeaux (48°44.6'N 001°34.1'W). Call Pilote Granville, Tel: +33 2 33 61 38 85 (Home). Pilot monitors VHF Ch 16 and 12 when a vessel is expected.Pilotage is compulsory for vessels over 45m in length.Vessels should send request for pilotage and ETA 24 hours in advance (or on departure from the previous port of call...


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