BIMCO Search Results

New BIMCO Law & Arbitration clause will clarify arbitration processes

If a contractual dispute escalates and one of the parties want to involve arbitrators, it is essential that notices of commencement of proceedings and the appointment of arbitrators are properly served to the right people. BIMCO’s new Law & Arbitration Clause will address these issues with a provisi... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Arbitration clauses

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New BIMCO Law & Arbitration Clause under way

BIMCO has started work to develop a new Law & Arbitration Clause. The new clause will provide a short and “one size fits all” approach to dispute resolution, while adding Hong Kong as the fourth named arbitration venue. The addition of Hong Kong reflects its increased popularity as a centre for disp... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Law and Arbitration Clause 2020 Hong Kong

The Law and Arbitration Clause 2020 replaces the Dispute Resolution Clause 2017. There are versions available for four named arbitration venues – London, New York, Singapore and Hong Kong. The mediation provision found in earlier versions of this clause has been removed and made into a free standing... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Law and Arbitration Clause 2020 London

The Law and Arbitration Clause 2020 replaces the Dispute Resolution Clause 2017. There are versions available for four named arbitration venues – London, New York, Singapore and Hong Kong. The mediation provision found in earlier versions of this clause has been removed and made into a free standing... Please follow the link to continue reading.

Law and Arbitration Clause 2020 Singapore

The Law and Arbitration Clause 2020 replaces the Dispute Resolution Clause 2017. There are versions available for four named arbitration venues – London, New York, Singapore and Hong Kong. The mediation provision found in earlier versions of this clause has been removed and made into a free standing... Please follow the link to continue reading.