BIMCO Search Results


HEAVYLIFTVOY is a voyage charter party for the mid-sized heavy lift sector carrying specialist cargo. It is a comprehensive contract providing for free-in or liner in-hook terms for loading and free-out or liner out-hook terms for discharging. HEAVYLIFTVOY operates under the conventional cargo liabi... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The CONGENBILL is a charter party bill of lading for shipments of general cargo under the GENCON charter party. The latest edition of this bill of lading is CONGENBILL 2022. Copyright in CONGENBILL 2016 is held by BIMCO.


The GENCOA is BIMCO’s standard contract of affreightment for dry bulk cargoes. A contract of affreightment is an agreement between an owner and a charterer for the carriage of a certain amount and type of goods between agreed ports over a given period of time. It is not limited to a particular ship,... Please follow the link to continue reading.


The information contained in the cargo databases is provided for general guidance and information purposes only. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information contained in the database is accurate and up to date, BIMCO does not warrant, nor does it accept any responsibility or liability... Please follow the link to continue reading.


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The Scandinavian voyage charter party was developed to be used for fixtures with Scandinavian charterers for which no other approved form specially drafted for the trade in question was in force.  The latest edition of this contract is SCANCON, issued in 1993.


GENCON is a standard voyage charter party. It is a general purpose agreement for the services of a ship in exchange for freight and can be used in a variety of trades. It is accompanied by its own bill of lading, CONGENBILL 2016. The latest edition of this contract is GENCON 2022.