The RUSWOODBILL was developed to be used for shipments of wood under the Russian Wood Charter Party, codenamed RUSWOOD.
The RUSWOODBILL was developed to be used for shipments of wood under the Russian Wood Charter Party, codenamed RUSWOOD.
The COVID-19 Crew Change Clause has been drafted in response to the extraordinary circumstances faced by many owners whose crew have had to remain on board during the COVID-19 “lockdown” for periods often extending beyond their contracts of employment. Although travel restrictions are beginning to e... Please follow the link to continue reading.
The SOVORECONBILL was developed to be used for shipments of ore and ore concentrates from USSR ports under the Soviet Ore Charter Party, codenamed SOVORECON.
The SOVCONROUNDBILL was developed to be used for shipments of pulpwood, pitwood, roundwood and logs from Baltic and White Sea ports of the USSR under the SOVCONROUND charter party.
An interview with BIMCO's Grant Hunters, Director of Standards, Innovation and Research, about the FIT Alliance.
The SCANCONBILL, edition 1993, was developed to be used for shipments under the Scandinavian Voyage Charter party codenamed SCANCON.
The NUVOYBILL-84 was developed to be used for shipments under the Universal Voyage Charter Party 1984, codenamed NUVOY-84.
The NUBALTWOODBILL was developed to be used for shipments under the Baltic Wood Charter Party, codenamed NUBALTWOOD.
The latest edition of this clause is the Piracy Clause for Consecutive Voyage Charter Parties and COAs 2013.
Our oldest and longest-serving current member of staff, Henning Nielsen, has retired at 69 after over 37 years at BIMCO. He’s seen 20 BIMCO presidents and seven secretaries general.