Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2599 of 22 November 2023 laying down rules for the application of Directive 2003/87/EC as regards the administration of shipping companies by administering authorities in respect of a shipping company prescribes the manner in which an organisation or person, such as the ‘shipping company’ assuming responsibility for the operation of the vessel from the ‘shipowner’ shall provide the administering authority with a document that it has been duly mandated by the ‘shipowner’ to comply with the EU ETS obligations. The ETS – SHIPMAN Emission Trading Scheme Allowances Clause 2023 caters for schemes such as the EU ETS by enabling the managers to assume responsibility for ETS obligations by agreement with the owners as prescribed by an emission scheme.
BIMCO has developed the Standard ETS Mandate 2024 which can inter alia be used in conjunction with and to appoint managers as the responsible entity under subclause (b) (Managers as Responsible Entity) of the ETS – SHIPMAN Emission Trading Scheme Allowances Clause 2023. Before giving a mandate in accordance with Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2599, the parties should ensure that they are aware of the consequences of mandating ETS compliance to another organisation or person.
Whereas Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2599 sets out how the shipowner can mandate ETS compliance to another organisation or person, the Implementing Regulation does not specifically address the termination of the mandate. The parties may, however, even before the ETS mandate is given, want to consider the termination process and the formality requirements relating to termination of the ETS mandate.
Although there are no specific rules about termination of the ETS mandate, some guidance is to be found in the regulatory framework.
According to article 22 of Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/1122 of 12 March 2019 on the functioning of the Union Registry, all account holders in the Union Registry for ETS allowances are required to notify the national administrator within 10 working days of changes to the account information. In circumstances where an organisation or person, such as the manager, has been mandated by the shipowner to ensure compliance with ETS obligations the manager will, in its capacity as an account holder in the Union Registry, have an obligation to inform the national administrator of the Union Registry about any changes to the account information. In case of termination of the mandate by either party, the manager will no longer be responsible for ETS compliance for the ships covered by the mandate and such changes will therefore presumably have to be notified to the administration.
Conversely, once the mandate is terminated by either party and provided no other mandate for the ships concerned has been put in place concurrently, the obligation to ensure ETS compliance will, pursuant to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2599, become the shipowners’ responsibility. In accordance with article 2 of the Implementing Regulation, the shipowner has an obligation to provide the administering authority with a list of ships in respect of which it has assumed responsibility for ETS obligations. In case of termination of the mandate by either party, the shipowner will therefore have to notify the administering authority of the ships for which the shipowner becomes responsible to ensure ETS compliance as a result of the manager ceasing to be responsible. This could for example be the registered owner who originally mandated the manager to become responsible for ETS compliance and now, as a consequence of the termination of the ship management agreement, reassumes this responsibility. It could also be as a result of a sale of the ship in circumstances where the ship management agreement is equally terminated. In such cases, the shipowner will have to inform the administering authority.
From a contractual perspective, the parties may wish to address termination of the ETS mandate in their ship management agreement, e.g. by including a provision stating the consequences of termination with an obligation on the managers and shipowners, respectively, to notify the relevant authorities that the mandate has come to an end. To be noted that the reference to the relevant authorities differs in Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2599 (which refers to the “administering authority”) and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/1122 (which refers to the “national administrator”) but that both are supposedly to be understood as referring to the national authorities responsible for administering the EU ETS.
The parties are encouraged to contact the relevant national authorities to seek clarification on any particular requirements they might have in relation to giving and terminating the mandate, including information to be provided in this regard.