Newsletter subscriptions

Non-member newsletter

The BIMCO Briefing – the newsletter for non-members. A monthly roundup of expert knowledge and practical advice from BIMCO.

Member newsletter

Insight – the newsletter for BIMCO members providing expert knowledge and practical advice to help manage risk in a changing world.

Bunker quality alerts and prices

VPS Bunker Alerts usually highlighting a specific parameter within fuel which has raised a quality issue.

Managing payment risk

Only for owner, broker and agency members. Advice about non-payment issues, fake invoices and fraudulent behaviour reported to BIMCO.

Priority alerts

Time-sensitive information delivered to your inbox. Examples include updates on health restrictions and ice information.

Security alerts

Time-sensitive security related information delivered to your inbox. Examples include updates on areas of conflict.

SmartCon News

Everything about our contract editor SmartCon. New features, contracts and clauses, announcements, guides and tips and tricks.