Trade name/synonym name
Varsol 120 Fluid is composed primarily of saturated aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons (maximum aromatic content 30%) in the boiling range of approximately 230 - 320 degrees Celsius.
Varsol 120 is the tradename for an ExxonMobil product.
This schedule will, as an example, deal with one out of 5 cargoes manufactured by ExxonMobil with the name Varsol XXX. (The number behind "VARSOL" indicates the flashpoint)
Main properties/hazards
The product with tradename VARSOL 120 is a colourless to yellow clear liquid.
Varsol 120 Fluid is a refinery stream obtained from the distillation of crude oil, followed by the removal of sulphur (a process called hydrodesulfurization)
VARSOL 120 Fluid is generally recognized to have low acute as well as chronic toxicity and is combustible.
Viscosity @ 20°C < 50 mPa.s
Vapour pressure @ 20°C < 5 kPa (not suitable for ventilation)
Density 840 kg/m3 @ 15 deg. C
IBC carriage requirements IBC chapter N/A.
This product has been re-assessed and meets the criteria for complex mixtures and shall be considered as MARPOL Annex I.
Ship Type N/A
Tank Type N/A
Relevant additional IBC req. N/A
MARPOL Requirements Annex I
Pollution Category N/A
Special information to be added to Shipping Document - Standard information as for Annex I cargo.
Heat adjacent Yes.
Stow adjacent to fuel oil tanks Yes.
Carriage requirements:
Heating during voyage No
Heating during unloading No
Tanks inerted or padded Not required. Please check with shipper
Prewash required - No prewash required.
Tank cleaning:
Moderate temperature water wash
Hot temperature water wash
Ambient temperature freshwater rinse
Due to the large molecules of this cargo, it can be difficult to remove cargo residues entrained in the coating, - from zinc coating in particular. Therefore, a wash with a cleaning chemical (detergent or hydrocarbon remover) may be necessary.
Emergency Response
Fire: Use foam or water spray - not water jet.
Spillage: Collect small spills with absorbent material. Larger spills: Try to collect and transfer to spill tank or wash away with water. When in port, - inform Port Authority.
First aid: Remove victim to fresh air. Follow first aid instructions in MSDS. Consider obtaining advice from Radio Medical
Repeated exposure may cause skin dryness or cracking. May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
May be irritating to the eyes, nose, throat, and lungs.
This cargo may react with strong oxidizing substances, such as for example nitric acid.
The VARSOL-cargoes meeting the criterion for Complex Mixtures, MARPOL Annex I are: Varsol 30; Varsol 40; Varsol 60; Varsol 80 and Varsol 120
Use: Solvent Applications; Use as Cleaning Agents; Fuels and Fuel Additives; Lubricants; Paints, Coatings, Resins; Mining / Drilling.
The BIMCO Liquid Cargo Database contains information for more than 330 cargoes, all updated to the IBC Code 2021 amended requirements, but in order to ensure that the BIMCO Liquid Cargo Database information is kept updated, we highly welcome any feedback in the form of comments, response, information or data regarding a specific cargo.