Procurement & Supply Futures Conference 2024 - The end of the supply chain status quo? The impact of geopolitics, climate and economic uncertainty

  • 26 June 2024
  • 26 June 2024
  • QEII Centre, Broad Sanctuary
    London SW1P 3EE, United Kingdom
  • Grant Hunter

Grant Hunter, Director of Standards, Innovation and Research at BIMCO, is speaking at the Procurement & Supply Futures Conference 2024 about the end of the supply chain status quo, and the impact of geopolitics, climate and economic uncertainty.

In a world marked by geopolitical tensions, economic volatility, and climate challenges, the traditional supply chain model is facing unprecedented pressures. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for building resilient and adaptive supply chains. How are current geopolitical events reshaping global supply chains – and what’s coming down the track? In what ways might economic instability impact procurement planning? How is the global shipping community responding to uncertain times? This session will bring together experts to dissect the global picture and help procurement and supply professionals navigate the multifaceted challenges they face.


  • Grant Hunter, Director, Standards, Innovation & research - BIMCO
  • Michael Lewis, Professor of Operations and Supply Management - University of Bath
  • Shanella Rajanayagam, Trade Economist - HSBC

Time: 11:30-12:20 

Venue: The Horizon Stage